Spokane, Washington Trip - October 6 - 7th, 2005
Rocke and I had the pleasure of attending the WAMOA (Washington Association of Maintenance & Operations Administrators) Trade Show, October 6th and 7th in support of our school equipment dealers. The show was at the Spokane Convention Center, located in Spokane, Washington.
Spokanes name comes from the Native Americans who settled the area hundreds of years ago. The word Spokane translates to Children of the Sun, and those original settlers were attracted to the majestic natural beauty of the area just as are the outdoor enthusiasts who live there today.
WAMOA is an organization of Educational Facilities Maintenance Professionals in Washington State. WAMOA's mission is to promote and foster the highest degree of professionalism in its members engaged in the management of maintenance and operations in educational facilities.
Rocke reps BioFit which sells the best cafeteria tables , chairs and lab stools .
Rocke and I took some time from the trade show to check out Riverfront Park, located in the heart of Downtown Spokane on the site of the Expo '74 World's Fair. This urban 100 acre park offers...natural beauty of lush green meadows and a cascading river; scenic gondola rides over the Spokane Falls; thrilling experiences with the GIANT SCREEN IMAX theatre; "Enchanted Forest" mini-golf; and nostalgic rides on the 1909 historic Looff Carrousel.
After an enjoyable walk in the park, we returned back to the Convention Center and the Trade Show.
Thursday after the Trade Show, there was a Social Event for us to attend, where we would visit with WAMOA members, while enjoying live music, prize drawing, and some finger foods.
Friday we drove back home, stopping in The Dalles to visit with and have dinner with my son, Michael. Sylvia, his wife,was working and could not join us.