Happy 3rd Birthday, Zach - May 16, 2006
Rocke and I were invited down to Salem to help celebrate Zach's third birthday. Gosh, can Zach really be three years old?? Where does the time go!
When we arrived at Zach's home, he already had birthday guests who had arrived and he was enjoying playing with his Uncle Jon, his cousins, Cheyanne and Breanna (Lisa's daughter) in the backyard. Sarah and Lisa (Jon's fiance) were in the living room visiting. Zach took time out from playing and came in to say hi to Rocke and me, then right back outside to play.
Rocke and I visited while waiting for other family members to arrive. After Grandma and Grandpa Burt, Uncle Ross, Aunt Heather and cousins Austin and Sydney arrived, we continued visiting and catching up with what was happening in each others lives. It always so much fun to get together with the family to celebrate birthdays and visit.
Zach loves to perform and sat down on the floor to play his drums for us, while singing his ABC's. What an entertainer Zach is becoming. Every time Rocke and I go down to visit with Zach, he puts on a "concert" for us. He loves playing musical instruments and singing. We enjoy Zach's concerts and hearing him sing the songs he's learned since our last visit.
After Zach's concert, everyone drifted outside so the kids could play. Before we knew it, the "BIG" kids were having as much fun playing outside as the little kids.
Then, once again, it was time to open gifts! We all went into to the house to enjoy watching Zach open his gifts. One of the gifts Zach got was an Electronic Guitar from his Uncle Jon and Lisa. The guitar turned out to be a popular gift among several guests and they had to have their turn at playing it.
As is the tradition, we sang "Happy Birthday" to Zach and enjoyed some birthday cake and ice cream.
What a great time we all had. Next birthday party will be for our oldest grandson, Austin, who will turn 4 in June.