Happy 3rd Birthday Sydney - 2008
Happy Birthday Sydney, this is your special day, may it be filled with love, happiness and lots of neat presents coming your way.
Rocke and I were invited to help celebrate Sydney's 3rd birthday on January 5th, at 1:30 pm at Sydney's home. Her birthday is actually January 2, but she was having a family birthday celebration on the 5th. On January 6th, she would be enjoying a kids birthday party with all her little friends.
When we arrived at Sydney's house, her mom (Heather) and Sydney met us at the door. Mom (Heather) and dad (Ross) had the house all decorated for her big celebration with pink, purple and white balloons. Everything looked so festive for Sydney's party.
Grandma Sherry Gold and Great Grandma Bea were already there. (Grandpa Gold was working and could not attend the party). After visiting with and catching up on current events in everyone lives, it was time for Sydney to open her gifts. She had a great time and looked each gift over before going on to the next. Big brother Austin enjoyed checking out the gifts with her.
Later we sang Happy Birthday to Sydney and enjoyed watching her blow out her number "3" candle. Sydney enjoyed the icing off her birthday cupcake, then she was ready to play with some of her gifts, while the rest of us ate birthday cupcakes and continued visiting with everyone.