The Northwest is a great place to catch several types of paintbrush. They are
known for their bright red color, although it can vary from orange to scarlet
to purple and even white or yellow. Their color comes from dense, bright bracts
that surround the actual flower.
Tidbits: Because there are no places to perch on the Paintbrush, it requires "hovering" insects and birds for pollination. It also is the state flower for Wyoming.
The Paintbrush evoked the Native American legend of a young brave who tried to paint the sunset with his warpaints. Frustrated that he could not match the brilliance of nature, he ask for guidance from the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit gave him paintbrushes laden with the colors he so desired. With these, he painted his masterpiece and left the spent brushes in fields across the landscape. These brushes sprouted the flowers we now so wonderfully love!
You will also notice some yellow wildflowers in the background.