Robin and Mary's Visit of August, 2001
Well, it's the third of August, 2001 and we're all waiting for Robin and Mary to show up. They left San Diego on the 1st and stopped in Sacramento for the night. On the second, they stopped in Medford for the second night (with two little kids in the car, they wanted to take it a little easy). Finally, Friday night, August 3rd, they showed up about 6:00 in the evening after "going through I-205 hell". I was home alone because Mary was with her son, Michael, making an attempt to walk the Pacific Crest Trail from the California border to the Washington border. Robin and Mary had dinner on the way in, so we just visited and got reaquainted with the grandkids. The kids didn't seem much worse for the wear. Kate grows so much between times we see her that she almost seems like a brand new little person. Erin was a lot more talkative and less shy. Tomorrow, we're all going to go to Sellwood Park to celebrate Kate's birthday (which is actually the 23rd of the month) with the whole family here.
Robin and Mary went out to the park to secure a place (we were afraid it would be crowded) with a picnic table. The picnic was to start around 3:00 pm. We had a backup table, just in case. I arrived a little early only to discover I'd forgotten my camera. I had to run home (about 10 minutes away) to get it. By the time I'd returned, Mary's folks, Bill and Donna Stegemeyer, and Mary's brother, Dave, had arrived. Ross, Heather, Ryan and Sarah had also arrived.
It was a pleasant day for visiting. It's a shame we in-laws don't get together more often. And of course, we all had a chance to dote on the grandkids! Pretty soon the birthday cake came out and a special cake just for Kate. Mary stripped Kate down to her diaper and let her "dig in" to the cake. And of course, Kate got to open her own presents!
After everyone had some cake and a drink, we just sat around and talked and, of course, the kids, big and little, migrated over to the playground. Robin, Ross, Ryan and Dave had a lot of fun playing on the slide and in the swings. Oh . . . Erin and Kate were there, too. They had a lot of willing swing pushers, so they had a great time.
About the time the picnic was breaking up, I got a call from Mary (Sr.). She was about 5 miles from I-5 and had an aching knee she must have injured somehow. Anyway, after much consideration, that continuing the hike would not be a good idea, since after the trail crosses I-5, it is another 60 or 70 miles to civilization and she didn't want to be "rescued" some place in the middle. I drove to Medford that evening, picked her up and returned to Portland. To me, it was a mixed blessing, because I knew how badly Mary had wanted to do this hike, something that had been planned for years, but it sure was nice to have her around to get to know the kid, grandkids and in-laws a little better.
Robin, Mary and family spent Sunday at the Stegemeyers, so they could have time with the grandkids. The spent Monday at our house and the kids got to go up to the little Park at the end of Dolinda Street to play. On Monday evening, Robin, Mary, Erin and Kate went to Don Limbaugh's wedding. Don is a long-time friend of Robin's and the main reason for timing his visit to Oregon. On Tuesday, the Robin, Mary, kids and Mary's parents, went downtown. Robin went up to Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU) to see a number of his friends, colleagues and teachers, while, Mary, the grandkids, and Mary's folks went downtown to shop and go to lunch at Mary's favorite place to eat, Mandarin's Cove.
On Wednesday, the 8th, Robin and Mary met Ross and Heather (who'd taken the day off) at Enchanted Forest in Salem. After spending the day there (and yes, I believe Robin did go through the rabbit hole again!), they returned to Ryan and Sarah's new home in Salem. Mary and I met the family in Salem after work to celebrate Sarah's birthday, which is actually August 9th. Sarah got some nice presents, and it was great fun having the whole family together. Kate, at one point, was the center of attention when she clapped her hands and everyone in the room would clap with her. She enjoyed it a lot, but big sister didn't appreciate all the attention her little sister was getter. Erin walked over to Kate and gently escorted her to the bathroom, urged her inside and closed the door. Erin is what we call a "problem solver". Kate was promptly rescued and the rest of us "got the message" that Erin needed more attention.
On Thursday, Robin, Mary and kids, just hung around our place and went over to Mary's folks' place for lunch. They had dinner at Jeff and Lisa Goodpastor's. Jeff was Robin's best man at Robin and Mary's wedding. On Friday, Robin, Mary, grandkids, Mary (Sr.) and I went to Ross's and Heather's for lunch and so Robin and Mary could see the new house. That evening we all had chicken from KFC at our house that Mary (Sr.), Erin and I picked up. After dinner, Mary's brother, Dave, Dave's friend, George Palosh, Ross, and Robin played board games. Heather, and later, Ryan and Sarah, joined Mary (Sr.), Mary (Jr.) and I downstairs to watch TV and visit.
On Saturday, Robin, Mary and kids drove to Seattle to spend the day with Mary's pregnant friend, Susan Weber (Robin's friend, Bob Kinoshita's sister). They have a beautiful house on Lake Burien. They took a ride out on the lake in a small boat and enjoyed a Bar-B-Que dinner in the evening before returning to Portland.
On Sunday morning, the day Robin and Mary were to leave, we all met at the Stegemeyer's in Oregon City for our traditional "going away" breakfast. Mary's aunt was there, as was Dave and Mary's parents. The meal was great (as always), after which good-byes were said and Robin, Mary, Erin, and Kate left to go to their home in San Diego (over the next three days).