Naomi's First Birthday - July 19, 2007
Our youngest grandchild, Naomi Alexis Warren, turned one year old and we all were invited down for the big celebration. Robin, Mary, Erin, Kate, and Megan were up visiting from California, so Naomi had all her aunts, uncles, cousins, and all four grandparents to help her celebrate her big day.
Ryan and Sarah had Naomi's birthday party on Saturday, July 21st. Robin, Mary, the girls, Rocke and I caravaned down to Naomi's home. When we arrived, the house was decorated for the party. Ryan, Sarah, Zach, Naomi, Grandma and Grandpa Burt, Ross, Heather, Austin and Sydney were visiting and waiting for us, so Naomi could get her party started.
The first thing the birthday girl did was open her many birthday gifts. She had a lot of help from her cousins. At one point, it was hard to see Naomi because of all the cousins and wrapping paper around her. What fun they all had.
After Naomi opened her gifts, it was time to settle down for some birthday food. Ryan and Sarah had drinks, sandwiches, fruit, and chips for everyone to enjoy.
The kids were enjoying playing outside in the backyard on the swing set, when everyone was called in for birthday cake and ice cream. Mom (Sarah) lit the candle on Naomi's cake and we all sang, Happy Birthday to her. There were two cakes, one for the birthday guests and one special birthday cake for Naomi to dig into. Everyone was standing around waiting for the big moment and Naomi looked at us as if to say, "What are you waiting for?" Naomi kept looking at us and her cake, trying to decide what she was going to do. Much to everyone's disappointment, Naomi didn't want to get her hands all sticky and messy. No matter how hard everyone tried to encourage Naomi to dig into her cake, she insisted on not getting too messy.
After enjoying the cake and ice cream, we all sat around and visited.
What a great party for Naomi! Everyone had a great time. With all the kids, big and little, exhausted, it was time to return to our homes for some rest.